
o Although there are features of organic chemistry topics that are distinctive, it is intended that appropriate crossreferences with other sections/topics in the syllabus should be made.

o In their study of organic chemistry, candidates may wish to group the organic reactions in terms of the
mechanisms in the syllabus where possible. o Candidates may wish to compare and contrast the different mechanisms.

o When describing preparative reactions, candidates will be expected to quote the reagents, e.g. aqueous NaOH, the essential practical conditions, e.g. reflux, high temperature and pressure, and the identity of each of the major products.
o Detailed conditions involving specific temperature and pressure values are not required.

o Detailed knowledge of practical procedures is also not required; however, candidates may be expected to suggest (from their knowledge of the reagents, essential conditions and products) what steps may be needed to purify/extract a required product from the reaction mixture.
o In equations for organic redox reactions, the symbols [O] and [H] are acceptable.