
6. Number of σ bond(s) and π bond(s)

6.4. Sigma (σ) bond and Pi (π) bond | Ethyne

Sigma(σ) bond (a): Three σ bonds
o One C–C bond: Overlap of sp2 hybrid orbitals on the carbon atom with one sp2 hybrid orbital on the other carbon atom
o Two C–H bonds:  Overlap between the C atoms’ sp2 orbitals with s orbitals on the hydrogen atoms
Pi (π) bond  (b): Each of the two π bonds
o Formed by the side-by-side overlap of unhybridized p orbitals on each carbon atom
o Two lobes of the π bond are above and below the plane of the σ system
o Two lobes of each π bond are positioned across from each other around the line of the C–C σ bond