Cis-trans Isomerism

Site: Prefrontal Learning Center
Course: (b) describe cis-trans isomerism in alkenes, and explain its origin in terms of restricted rotation due to the presence of π bonds [use of E, Z nomenclature is not required]
Book: Cis-trans Isomerism
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Date: Friday, 20 September 2024, 8:54 AM

1. Requirements for Cis-trans Isomerism

o Carbon-to-carbon double bonds (C=C)
o There must be two nonidentical groups on each doubly bonded carbon atom.

01 Multiple Choice

2. Identifying Cis or Trans Isomers

Consider a compound with 4 different groups attached to the C = C bond

  • Consider each of the double bonds separately.
  • Identify the two atoms directly attached to each carbon in the double bond
  • If the two atoms with larger atomic numbers are on the same side:
    • It is a cis isomer.
  • If the two atoms with larger atomic numbers are on opposite sides:
    • It is a trans isomer.

Note: Show clear trigonal planar shape around the 2C atoms of C=C bond

01 Multiple Choice

3. C4H8 (Consider alkene and non-cyclical compound only)

Chain isomerism    
2-Butene (cis)   2-Butene (trans)

4. No. of Cis-trans Isomers

No. of cis-trans isomers = \(2^n\)

where n = no. of that can exhibit cis-trans isomerism.

01 Multiple Choice

5. Polarity in Cis-trans Isomers

Cis-isomer Trans-isomer
Dipole moments do not cancel out
o Net dipole present
o Polar
Dipole moments cancel out
o No net dipole present
o Non-polar

X is more electronegative than Y

01 Multiple Choice

6. Effect of Polarity on Boiling Point

Cis-isomer Trans-isomer

Effect on boiling point:
Boiling involves overcoming the stronger permanent dipole - permanet dipole attractions between molecules.

o More energy is needed to separate
the molecules
o Higher boiling point

Effect on boiling point:

Boiling involves overcoming the
weaker induced dipole - induced dipole attractions between molecules.

o Less energy is needed to separate the molecules
o Lower boiling point