
Site: Prefrontal Learning Center
Course: Hybridization
Book: Notes-(01)
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Date: Friday, 20 September 2024, 8:06 AM


(d) describe sp3 hybridisation, as in ethane molecule, sp2 hybridisation, as in ethene and benzene molecules, and sp hybridisation, as in ethyne molecule
(e) explain the shapes of, and bond angles in, the ethane, ethene, benzene, and ethyne molecules in relation to σ and π carbon-carbon bonds 

1. Ground State of Carbon Atom

Note: Be Able to Construct Diagram

01 Multiple Choice

1.1. Bonding Limitation (Theoretically but not empirically true)

Carbon atom
o Out of the 4 valence electrons
o Only 2 are unpaired and available for bonding (located in the \(2p_x\) and \(2p_y\) orbitals)

01 Multiple Choice

2. Carbon Bonding in Organic Compounds

However, we would not be able to explain why carbon almost always forms 4 bonds, for example in the following compounds:

 Methane \((CH_4)\) 4 \(C-H\) single bonds
Ethene \((CH_2=CH_2)\) 

Each carbon atom has
o 1 \(C=C\) (double bond)
o 2 \(C-H\) single bonds
Ethyne \((H-C≡C-H)\) 

Each carbon atom has
o 1 \(C≡C\) (triple bond) 
o 1 \(C-H\) single bond

Hence we need to introduce the concept of hybridisation to help us account for the bonding issues here

2.1. Excited State of Carbon Atom

One of the 2s electron in C atom is promoted into the 2p orbital

Note: Be Able to Construct Diagram

01 Multiple Choice

2.2. Types of Hybridisation in Carbon

o Hybridisation refers to the mixing of atomic orbitals in an atom (usually the central atom) to generate a new set of orbitals called hybrid orbitals.

The C atom can undergo three types of hybridisation:
(a) \(sp^3\) hybridization (e.g. in methane)
(b) \(sp^2\) hybridization (e.g. in ethene and benzene)
(c) \(sp\) hybridization (e.g. in ethyne) benzene

3. sp3 Hybridization


3.1. Hybridisation

Note: Be Able to Construct Diagram

01 Multiple Choice

3.2. Shape and Bond Angle

o Electrons repel one another
o \(sp^3\) hybrid orbitals are placed as far apart as possible

Shape: Tetrahedral 
Bond Angle (Around C): 109.5°

4. sp2 Hybridization

4.1. Hybridization

Note: Be Able to Construct Diagram

01 Multiple Choice

4.2. Shape and Bond Angle

o Electrons repel one another
o \(sp^2\) hybrid orbitals are placed as far apart as possible

Shape: Trigonar planar
Bond Angle (Around C): 120°

5. sp Hybridisation

5.1. Hybridisation

Note: Be Able to Construct Diagram

01 Multiple Choice

5.2. Shape and Bond Angle

o Electrons repel one another thus the \(sp\) hybrid orbitals are placed as far apart as possible by adopting the linear arrangement

Shape: Linear
Bond Angle (Around C): 180°

6. Number of σ bond(s) and π bond(s)

6.1. Sigma (σ) bond | Methane

Bond type Number of bonds
σ Bonds 4
π Bonds 0

01 Multiple Choice

6.2. Sigma (σ) bond | Ethane

Bond type Number of bonds
σ Bonds 7
π Bonds 0

6.3. Sigma (σ) bond and Pi (π) bond | Ethene

Two diagrams are shown labeled, “a” and “b.” Diagram a shows two carbon atoms with three purple balloon-like orbitals arranged in a plane around them and two red balloon-like orbitals arranged vertically and perpendicularly to the plane. There is an overlap of two of the purple orbitals in between the two carbon atoms, and the other four purple orbitals that face the outside of the molecule are shown interacting with spherical blue orbitals from four hydrogen atoms. Diagram b depicts a similar image to diagram a, but the red, vertical orbitals are interacting above and below the plane of the molecule to form two areas labeled, “One pi bond.”

Sigma(σ) bond (a): Five σ bonds
o One C–C bond: Overlap of sp2 hybrid orbitals on the carbon atom with one sp2 hybrid orbital on the other carbon atom
o Four C–H bonds:  Overlap between the C atoms’ sp2 orbitals with s orbitals on the hydrogen atoms
Pi(π) bond  (b): One π bond
o Formed by the side-by-side overlap of unhybridized p orbitals on each carbon atom
o Two lobes of the π bond are above and below the plane of the σ system

6.4. Sigma (σ) bond and Pi (π) bond | Ethyne

Sigma(σ) bond (a): Three σ bonds
o One C–C bond: Overlap of sp2 hybrid orbitals on the carbon atom with one sp2 hybrid orbital on the other carbon atom
o Two C–H bonds:  Overlap between the C atoms’ sp2 orbitals with s orbitals on the hydrogen atoms
Pi (π) bond  (b): Each of the two π bonds
o Formed by the side-by-side overlap of unhybridized p orbitals on each carbon atom
o Two lobes of the π bond are above and below the plane of the σ system
o Two lobes of each π bond are positioned across from each other around the line of the C–C σ bond